21 students indicted in UGA fake ID manufacturing ring

21 students indicted in UGA fake ID manufacturing ring The indictments, filed Tuesday in Clarke County Superior Court, came after an exhaustive investigation by UGA police and the Western Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s office that began in August 2011. UGA...

be taxi driver faked NYPD letter

be taxi driver faked NYPD letter The cabbie hopeful from Sandwell presented a fake letter from American cops as evidence of good conduct in a bid to get a licence in the borough. The letter was needed by Sandwell Council as the applicant had lived in the UK for less...

Should voters be required to show identification

Should voters be required to show identification I would like to commend The Denver Post for its stance on voter identification laws. The fact that one of the most liberal judges on the Supreme Court (Justice John Paul Stevens) supports the validity of voter ID is an...

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